2024-2025 Teacher Fund Campaign
Generously underwritten by Independence Title Company
Approximately 64% of Eanes property tax dollars never make it to our classrooms because the State of Texas recaptures them to fund other districts and charter schools.
With 85% of the district’s budget dedicated to personnel, the difference is our teachers. By funding vital teacher and staff positions, EEF bridges the gap that would exist without these teachers.
EEF is the only organization that can fund additional teacher and staff positions for our district. 100% of your EEF donations stay in the district.
Teachers Make it Happen!
AD•E•QUATE / adikwit:
satisfactory or acceptable in quality
Synonym: the education required by the state
EX•CEL•LENT / ekselent:
extremely good; outstanding
Synonym: an Eanes ISD education
AD•E•QUATE / adikwit:
satisfactory or acceptable in quality
Synonym: the education required by the state
EX•CEL•LENT / ekselent:
extremely good; outstanding
Synonym: an Eanes ISD eduction
AD•E•QUATE / adikwit:
satisfactory or acceptable in quality
Synonym: the education required by the state
EX•CEL•LENT / ekselent:
extremely good; outstanding
Synonym: an Eanes ISD eduction
Most of the EEF funded teachers are NOT REQUIRED by the state
With the ever-increasing state tax dollar recapture program (know as “Robin Hood”), nearly 64% of our property tax revenues never make it to the classrooms. In fact, in 2021 a total of $102,556,577 was redirected to the state’s general fund to help fund less-wealthy districts and charter schools, leaving us with a significant funding gap to fill every year. Unwilling to compromise the best-in-class education we have always provided, EEF was created to ensure an exceptional education for all EISD students, now and for future generations. By funding vital teacher and staff positions, EEF bridges the gap that would exist without these teachers. Funding teachers gives more personal attention, more advanced courses, more electives and more support staff for every student in EISD. In 2020-21, Niche ranked EISD as the #1 best school district in the State of Texas, and EISD ranked #11 of school districts in the nation.
The following teacher and staff positions, courses and programs are NOT REQUIRED or supported by the State of Texas (TEA); they are considered extras or luxuries.
- Nurse
- Librarian
- Counselor
- Campus Tech Coordinator
- Intervention Specialist
- Gifted and Talented Teacher
- Specials Teachers (Art, Music, PE)
- Compact/Advanced Math
- 5th grade class size limit
- Nurse
- Librarian
- Counselor
- Campus Tech Coordinator
- Learning Lab
- Gifted and Talented Teacher
- Elective Teachers
- Compact/Advanced Math
- Advanced Language Arts
- Class size limits
- All sports programs
- Foreign Languages
- Band
- Choir
- Orchestra
- Drama
- Journalism
- Technology
- Nurse
- Librarian
- Counselor
- Campus Tech Coordinator
- Learning Lab
- Elective Teachers
- All AP classes
- All Pre-AP classes
- Class size limits
- All sports programs
- Calculus
- Statistics
- Biology II
- Chemistry II
- Debate
- Journalism
- Creative Writing
- Fine Arts
- Technology
- Choice of more than one year of a foreign language
- Option to take 3 years of a foreign language
We support the Eanes Education Fund to ensure that our grandchildren receive the best quality education and services that the District can provide. One of the support staff positions that is deemed a luxury in current funding is the school nurse. Donations like ours ensure that there is a school nurse on every campus who will care for the needs of all the children in the Eanes Independent School District.
I am so fortunate to be in a school district with the support of such an amazing organization such as EEF. The foundation has made possible so many opportunities for each of the schools within the district. My position at WHS has been on the positions that has benefited from the support of EEF.
Eanes Education Foundation's fundraising efforts provide significant support to the district, minimizing cuts to important teacher and staff positions. We expect high qualify education in Eanes ISD -- support of EEF is one of the best eways to help ensure continued excellence for our students.
The Teacher Fund Campaign is EEF's annual fund drive that culminates on "Donation Day," a fun day of giving, with pep rallies on every campus!
There are several ways for families and businesses to support the Teacher Fund. To learn more, contact the EEF office at (512) 732-9065.